We Are The Stigma

407. Transformation & Self-Healing w/ Carrie Pullaro

Melissa Kreutz & Cody Kreutz Season 4 Episode 7

Join us for a truly BEAUTIFUL, soul-expressive episode with our dear friend, Carrie Pullaro. This captivating convo was recorded in 2022, days after Carrie returned from Burning Man; we chat about that and much more. We get raw and vulnerable as we discuss shame, transformation, self-worth, abortion, and recovery. Carrie is a return guest, be sure to check out her first episode - 302. Breaking Through Shame & Addiction. 

In this new episode we talk about:

  • Burning Man & Transformation
  • Creating your own reality
  • Healing past versions of oneself
  • Ending the stigma of Herpes
  • Abortion
  • Addiction & Recovery

Carrie Pullaro supports women to courageously "Live Out Loud!"
She teaches humans to use their voice, live unapologetically, pursue their passion, and find freedom!

-Find Carrie on Instagram @carriepullaro
-You can follow us @_wearethestigma on Instagram
-You can find Cody on Tiktok @codywkreutz and Instagram @codykreutz
-Find Melissa on Instagram @_thepetitecactus and TikTok @melskreutz

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***As always, share with others, and reach out if you'd like to share your story https://wearethestigma.com/be-a-guest-on-our-show/